
更新时间:2016-06-22 13:23:00

我的生活》 《The Story of My Life》写的是20世纪,一个独特的生命个体以其勇敢的方式震撼了世界,她就是海伦·凯勒——一个生活在黑暗中却又给人类带来光明的女性,一个度过了生命的88个春秋,却熬过了87年无光、无声、无语的孤独岁月的弱女子。然而,正是这么一个幽闭在盲聋哑世界里的人,竟然毕业于哈佛大学德吉利夫学院,并用生命的全部力量处处奔走,建起了一家家慈善机构,为残疾人造福,被美国《时代周刊》评选为20世纪美国十大英雄偶像。创造这一奇迹,全靠一颗不屈不挠的心。海伦接受了生命的挑战,用爱心去拥抱世界,以惊人的毅力面对困境,终于在黑暗中找到了光明,最后又把慈爱的双手伸向全世界。必威竞彩吧为了让同学们更加了解海伦·凯勒准备了《我的生活》 《The Story of My Life》中英文对照,一起来好好看看。


  I am told that while I was still in long dresses I showed many signs of an eager, self-asserting disposition. Everything that I saw other people do I insisted upon imitating. At six months I could pipe out "How d'ye," and one day I attracted every one's attention by saying "Tea, tea, tea" quite plainly. Even after my illness I remembered one of the words I had learned in these early months. It was the word "water," and I continued to make some sound for that word after all other speech was lost. I ceased making the sound "wah-wah" only when I learned to spell the word.


  I remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word, "love." This was before I knew many words. I had found a few early violets in the garden and brought them to my teacher. She tried to kiss me; but at that time I did not like to have any one kiss me except my mother. Miss Sullivan put her arm gently round me and spelled into my hand, "I love Helen."


  One morning I left the cage on the window-seat while I went to fetch water for his bath. When I returned I felt a big cat brush past me as I opened the door. At first I did not realize what had happened; but when I put my hand in the cage and Tim's pretty wings did not meet my touch or his small pointed claws take hold of my finger, I knew that I should never see my sweet little singer again.


海伦.凯勒,自幼因病成为盲聋哑人,但她自强不息,克服巨大的困难读完大学。一生写了十几部作品,同时致力于救助伤残儿童、保护妇女权益和争取种族平等的社会活动。1964年获总统自由勋章。她的事迹曾两次被拍成电影。《我的生活》 《The Story of My Life》讲述了海伦的一生,海伦·凯勒好像注定要为人类创造奇迹,或者说,上帝让她来到人间,是向常人昭示着残疾人的尊严和伟大。


