
更新时间:2017-05-22 18:37:00



1.心塞:心塞原本是心肌梗塞的简称,但这里并不是患了重病,而是形容心里不舒服、难受,对周围发生的不顺心的事感到很不舒服,用英语单词表示心塞,可以用feel stifledfeel suffocatedhave a tight feeling in the chest,或者feel very uncomfortable. 

egAfter hearing his wife telling the truth, I suddenly feel suffocated.听完他妻子说了实话后,我顿感心塞。


2.图样图森破:图样图森破是英语 too young ,too simple的音译语,意思是“太年轻、太天真”,用来形容想法简单、鄙视水平低。

egHow can he believe in such gossip? He is really too young, too simple.这种谣言他都信,真是图样图森破。


3.高冷:高冷是高贵冷艳的简写,通常指孤高冷傲,对他人嗤之以鼻,常用于形容女性。用英语单词表示高冷,可以用:cold and elegantan icy beautya cold belle等。

egEscorted by a large crowd of people, the cold and elegant queen finally appeared.在众人的簇拥下,高冷女王终于出现了。


4.脑残:脑残用来形容愚蠢,指言行让人不可理解和无法接受和人。用英语单词表示脑残,可以用:brainlessbrain-dead,brain-impairedhave a dysfunctional brain等。

egDont speak to her again, she is virtually brainless!别再跟她说了,她简直是个脑残!


5.脑洞大开:脑洞大开,指的是给大脑充电、补充知识,有让人眼界大开眼界、思路、想法爆棚之意。用英语单词表示脑洞大开,可以用:greatly enrich one's mind (brain) greatly open up one's eyesgreatly widen one's horizon等。

egThis speech greatly enriched my mind.这次演讲让我脑洞大开。


6.伐开心:伐开心就是不开心、很不高兴的意思。用英语单词表示伐开心,可以用:in a bad moodvery unhappyangrymoody等。

eg:  Therere so much homework, im very unhappy.作业太多了,伐开心。

I am in a bad mood and I need a hug.伐开心,要抱抱。


7.怎么破:怎么破就是“怎么办、要怎么解决”的意思。用英语单词表示怎么破,可以用:what shall I dohow to deal with it等。

egMy weight is increasing although I am on a diet , what shall I do?尽管在减肥,体重还在增长,怎么破?


8.说走就走的旅行:说走就走的旅行,就是字面意思,指打起背包,随时出发去旅行。用英语单词表示说走就走的旅行,可以用:go abroad any time they wish,也可译为take a trip the moment one decides to do so, go on a trip that is decided on a whim, go on a trip at any time等。

eg One of my classmates can go abroad any time he wishes.我有个同学随时来一场说走就走的旅行。


好了,今天对网络热词用英语单词的表达的方法就分享到这,有没有想和小伙伴炫一下的冲动呢,speak out loudly!


